Monday, July 30, 2007

Balkan bond-binding

Hi everyone

it is great that alongside the official Balkan Forum for Communication website we now have a blog too to post ideas, share views and just plainly talk about ourselves and our lifes some times. well done Marietta for taking this initiative. that was really well thought out. To my mind, this network that we are building, taking the academic work as a pretext, is an axcellent opportunity to get to know each other better, and even more importantly, to start facing the stereotypes that hunt the lives of the balkanians.

anyhow, I think I have already become very political and thet was not my intent. I suggest that in the blog we keep our discourse lighter, so perhaps we can start sharing thoughts about this summer. The trips we are planning, the fires that have broken throughtout the Balkans and so on.



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